Pro Heat-Shrink Kit (10 pcs)

82.00 kr (65.60 kr exkl.moms)

This kit contains a heat shrink connector and a heat shrink tube, that together give the most secure underground connection of 2 boundary wires.

1st layer is our blue heat shrink connector that has tin inside to give a secure and great conductivity throughout the installation.

2nd is our black heat shrink tube, this layer is made from strong plastic and contains a high level of glue inside. This makes the connection extremely strong and long lasting.

  • For underground connections
  • Perfect conductivity
  • High level of glue
  • Easy to shrink
  • Very strong connection

We recommend using our heat gun for this repair.

Available in packs of 10 pcs and 50 pcs.

In stock

SKU: 53599474 Category: